EBA (Evidence Based Approach) to the Emergent Issues in Asia

Data collectionData analysisStorytelling

EBA (Evidence Based Approach) project aims to foster the Asia Pacific wide collaborative community among Universities for designing evidence-based resilient future society. Currently, EBA Project is working on creating an educational curriculum to foster leaders of tomorrow who are capable of identifying and tackling issues based on the evidence and analysis by collaboration with universities in the Asia Pacific Region.


[NEW] 2025 EBA Minamata Fieldwork – Call For Participation
  • Hosted by Keio University, to be held in Japan on July 31-August 7.
Minamata Fieldwork (For Partner University Students)
Minamata Fieldwork (For Keio Students)

[NEW] 2025 EBA USK Fieldwork – Call For Participation
  • Hosted by Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK), to be held in Indonesia on July 6-12.
USK Fieldwork (For Partner University Students)
USK Fieldwork (For Keio Students)

EBA カリマンタン・水俣 フィールドワーク の最終発表は、

8月27日(火) 18:00 (UTC+9)から、Youtubeにて生配信決定!

[NEW] Final Presentation for EBA Kalimantan ・ Minamata Fieldworks will broadcast live on

Youtube on Tuesday, August 27, 18:00~(UTC+9)!

Youtube Info
Report EBA Kalimantan Fieldwork
Report EBA Minamata Fieldwork

最終発表: EBA北海道フィールドワーク (2023年10月17日~26日開催) は、11月29日(水) 18:00 (UTC+9)から、Youtubeにて生配信されました!
Final Presentation for EBA Hokkaido (Japan) Fieldwork (2023. October 17-26)  broadcasted live on Youtube on Wednesday, November 29, 18:00~(UTC+9)!
Report EBA hokkaido Fieldwork

PAST call for participations(過去のフィールドワーク参加募集一覧)

About EBA

EBA project is the abbreviation for among Asia and Pacific university collaboration for Evidence Based Approach (EBA).  The project offers a curriculum to foster human resources capable to identify and tackle issues based on the evidence and analysis. EBA member universities jointly design the EBA course curriculum and offer courses in their own expertise to the students of all member Universities.
EBA provides a digital communication platform where students in different countries can study together on daily basis. In cyberspace, students and faculty members of all partners interactively teach/learn/discuss each other to encourage region-wide collaborative problem-solving. The program also offers fieldworks and Internships in the region, to provide a variety of experiences in the study fields, meeting with people and society in Asia.

EBA Project is created based on EBA Consortium, supported by the “Re-Inventing Japan Project” of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan, from 2012 to 2017.
Activity Report (AY2012-AY2016) is available in PDF:

KGRI: Keio University Global Research Institute
CCRC: Cyber Civilization Research Center
APRS: Asia Pacific Resilient Society

Member Universities and Partnership in Process

  • UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office for East Asia   (partnership in progress)

EBA Program

EBA offers curriculum for students of EBA member universities.
Throughout EBA Curriculum, students will learn not only EBA skills and knowledge but build human networks in the region.
Key skills students will learn
  • Information Technology: Scientific analysis with evidence based approach
  • Social Innovation: Realizing the solution in the society with an innovative way
  • Expert Knowledge: Deep knowledge and problem finding ability
  • Global Collaboration Skill: Discuss across borders to find out the solution
  • Cultural Understanding and Actions in The Field
  • Online Program: Learn EBA
    EBA member universities will offer various online courses for students. Students will expose to multiple universities’ knowledge, especially in four fields: data science, policy and governance, social innovation, and information technology.
  • Fieldwork Program: Practice EBA with peers in Asia and Pasific
    EBA offers a real environment where students practice their knowledge learned from the EBA, collaborate with students from overseas universities.
  • Internship Program: Connect academic learning with society
    EBA will provide opportunities for participation in internships domestic and overseas to develop one’s global careers using knowledge and experience in EBA.
Certificate of Achievement
Students who complete the course will receive a certificate of  EBA completion. Through in EBA curricurum, the student will become a person who lead the society and address the issues in the region.
For more information about the EBA  Project, or how to join the programs and courses, please contact the EBA faculty in your university:

Please note that EBA do not accept application from individual students without the acknowledgment of their school.

*Please change [at] to @ when sending an email.


Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology 

EMAIL: eba-ra-group[at]keio.jp

Institute of Technology of Cambodia

Contact:  Samnang Khiev
Department:  IT Center
EMAIL:  khsam.nang[at]itc.edu.kh

Brawijaya University

Contact:  Achmad Basuki
Department: Faculty of Informatics Engineering
EMAIL:  abazh[at]ub.ac.id

Hasanuddin University 

Contact:  Muhammad Niswar
Department: Faculty of Informatics
EMAIL:  niswar[at]unhas.ac.id

Institute of Technology Bandung 

Contact:  Dianing Ratri
Department:  Faculty of Art and Design
EMAIL:  dianing.ratri[at]itb.ac.id

Sam Ratulangi University 

Contact:  Alwin Melkie Sambul
Department: ICT Support Unit
EMAIL:  asambul[at]unsrat.ac.id

Syiah Kuala University 

Contact:  Rahmad Dawood
Department: Faculty of Engineering,
EMAIL:   rahmad.dawood[at]unsyiah.ac.id

Keio University

Department: Keio University Global Research Institute
EMAIL:  eba-ra-group@keio.jp 

University of Malaya

Contact:  Mas Sahidayana Mohktar
Department:  Faculty of Engineering
EMAIL:  mas_dayana[at]um.edu.my

Contact:  Norrima Mokhtar
Department:  Faculty of Engineering
EMAIL:  norrimamokhtar[at]um.edu.my

University of Science Malaysia

Contact:  Azleena Mohd Kassim
Department: Faculty of Computer Science
EMAIL:  azleena.mk[at]usm.my

University of Computer Studies, Mandalay
University of Computer Studies, Yangon 

EMAIL:  eba-ra-group@keio.jp 

Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University 

Contact:  Sushant Chalise 
Department:  Center for Information Technology
EMAIL:  sushant.chalise[at]pcampus.edu.np

University of the Philippines Diliman

Department:  Student Mobility OIL UP Diliman
EMAIL: oild_studentmobility.upd[at]up.edu.ph

Chulalongkorn University (CHULA)

Contact: Natt Leelawat
Department: Faculty of Engineering
Email address: international.affairs.eng[at]chula.ac.th


National University of East Timor

EMAIL:  eba-ra-group@keio.jp 

Hanoi University of Science and Technology

Contact:  Nguyen Binh Minh, Dao Thanh Chung
Department:  Fintech Center
EMAIL:  minh.nguyenbinh[at]hust.edu.vn


Vietnam Japan University, Hanoi

Contact: Thanh Tien Pham
EMAIL: pt.thanh[at]vju.ac.vn


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    Keio University Global Research Institute (KGRI)
    2-15-45Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-8345, Japan


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