Period: April ~ August 2024
Online Sessions and EBA Common Course: April 17th ~ June 12th
At the Field: June 28th – July 6th
Final Presentation (EBA Kalimantan Fieldwork 2024 + EBA Minamata 2024 Fieldwork participants) (Online): 18:00 (UTC+9)~, August 27th Please Click HERE to access YouTube
Participants: 22 (including Faculty)
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Nasyareen Nugraha (Faculty of Art and Design)
Neila Khansa Adila (Faculty of Art and Design)
Raina Carissa Azalia (Faculty of Art and Design)
Valentino Matthew (Faculty of Art and Design)
Brawijaya University (UB)
Dzaki Rafif Malik (Faculty of Computer Science)
Hasanuddin University (UNHAS)
Muhammad Addeta Rukmadi (Faculty of Engineering)
Syiah Kuala University (USK)
Stefhani Alba Siregar (Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics)
Keio University (KEIO)
Leon Eugene Tokumatsu (Faculty of Environment and Information Studies)
Riki Katayama (Faculty of Environment and Information Studies)
University of Malaya (UM)
Chen Zeren (Faculty of Engineering)
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Sheikh Raisul Islam (Institute of Information and Communication Technology)
Chulalongkorn University (CHULA)
Chanon Manee (Faculty of Engineering)
Fieldwork Host
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Dianing Ratri (Faculty of Art and Design)
Banung Grahita (Faculty of Art and Design)
Intan Rizky Mutiaz (Faculty of Art and Design)
Dian Rosleine (School of Life Sciences and Technology)
Prananda Malasan (Faculty of Art and Design)
Ridwan Sutriadi (School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development)
Lidya Permata Sari (Faculty of Art and Design)
Keio University (KEIO)
Fathima Assilmia (Keio University Global Research Institute)
Kiyoko Itagaki (Keio University Global Research Institute)
Leandro Navarro Hundzinski (Keio University Global Research Institute)
In this program, participants learned and utilized the EBA method, practicing Data Collection, Data Analyzation, Data Visualization, and Storytelling. They observed how the aspects of human, culture, and nature are integrated in the development of a sustainable city, while exploring the field of East Kalimantan. The fieldwork program utilized a multidisciplinary perspective as part of the Evidence Based Approach practice, including: visual communication design, design ethnography, and life science (biology).
Some of the questions investigated by the participants were:
- What is the definition of an ideal sustainable city?
- How the rapid and massive development of the region, coupled with multicultural conditions transform the aspect of nature, human, and culture in its surrounding?
- What could we do, relating to our major, to respond to this transformation?
- What solution could we make/suggest regarding the transformation?
Participants observed the development of The Capital City of Nusantara (IKN), visiting the city of Samarinda and Balikpapan, local communities, and environmental organizations in East Kalimantan, going to several different locations:
- Pre Fieldwork Workshop at ITB Jakarta
- Indonesia New Capitol City IKN
- BOSF Orangutan Conservation
- Sungai Bawang Village
- Tirtonegoro Foundation
- SMAN 1 Samarinda

The final outcomes were shared in video format at the final presentation (with EBA Minamata 2024 participants) on 27 August 2024, 18:00 (UTC+9).

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